Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Promise of Enough

 Once again, I started a post back in December and didn't finish it...but I like the thoughts that I expressed while reading this book. I am actually reading it again with my fiancée Tim, so if I have any other thoughts, I will add them.


I have been reading a book by Emily Freeman called "The Promise of Enough: Seven Principles of True Abundance". It has given me a lot to ponder upon. For example, what is my role in this vast world. Am I meeting my divine potential? How can I have a more abundant life?

I am on a plane flying home for Christmas and I look out the window and behold this beautiful sight and could anyone doubt that there is a God and that he loves us and has a plan for each of us? He /knows us personally and is the only one that knows our true potential. How can I not believe I have a lot to offer when God knows full well what it is I have inside of me.

True abundance is not measured by things or wealth. It is measured through the understanding of God's will. It is believing in your own potential and what you have to offer. It is not having all you can imagine you would ever want or need, but exactly enough of what you truly need whether you know you need it or not.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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