The thing that I love most about her though is that she has never changed over all those years. I have always been able to count on knowing that no matter what I can call her and she never seems to miss a step. She tells me all about her family, I about mine. When time and money permit we take vacations to visit each other. In fact...I am sitting at the Tucson, AZ airport waiting for my flight to head back to Salt Lake after a long weekend with Judy and her family. What an amazing family! It is such a privilege and a blessing to be able to associate with them and to feel a part of it all. For them to disrupt their lives and let me come and spend some time with them is so amazing. I flew in on Thursday afternoon and spent that evening with Judy and the boys (J, G, and T). Being a single woman it is so fun for me to be able to participate with her and her family. It is a completely different world and though I am sure I would be no good at it, it is nice to leave my life behind for a few days to be with family...they aren't blood, but they are my family. In fact...everywhere we go, people ask us if we are sisters. I don't know if it is that we really do look alike or that we have known each other for so long that it just seems that we are related to those who don't know us. In any case...she is my sister.
Friday night Judy and I had a girl's night out and went to the Texas Roadhouse for some ribs and rolls! YUMMMM! I know it was a treat for Judy because it is very rare that she can get out
without the family to a more expensive restaurant. She seemed to enjoy it and the food was AMAZING! After 15 years of being friends, there is an awful lot of reminiscing to do whenever we get together. What a JOY to be able to spend one-on-one time with your best friend!
After dinner we went to a movie and to the mall to do some shopping. Honestly the movie wasn't that great, but no matter was just fun to spend time with my friend.
We also had a bit of time before the movie so we browsed the mall and found a good deal on 2 get one free. So we each bought a pair of sunglasses. The picture is of us in front of the Texas Roadhouse Trailer trying to take a self-portrait. It didn't turn out too bad...but did I mention yet that I get my braces off in December!! (can't wait)!
Saturday J and G had soccer games, so we all got up bright and early headed to the fields. J was up first and MAN IS HE GOOD!! He scored 4 of the 5 points that his team put up and probably would have scored more if he hadn't tried
to get his teammates involved. It was really fun to watch him in action. J is very smart and loves sports. He is such a good kid and a good example to all of his friends. Everyone loves Jensen!
G was next and his team was 4-5/6 year olds. He
was the oldest on his team, but definitely the best and was able to score 3 goals! He did such a great job! G is a lot like his mom when it comes to sports. He is so easy going and usually doesn't really care too much about what is going on, but he really got aggressive and played really hard. He is such a loving sweet kid! Always helpful and fun to be around. He also is a great swimmer.
This is T. He is my buddy! I mean look at that face!
How can you NOT love this kid?!? Plus, he loves me so that makes it easy. He is my little man! I am a sucker for men who ask to snuggle and like their backs scratched and who gives great squeezes around the neck and kisses on the cheeks. Heck, if I could find one that was my age and did all those things, he would be my dream man!
After the soccer games and lunch and swimming in the pool, Judy and I were able to go to the nail salon to get pedicures. It was her treat for an early birthday gift! It was just perfect! Massage chairs, warm foot baths, foot scrubs and leg and foot massages. It was HEAVEN! Thanks for my birthday gift Judy Lynn! I loved it!
Sunday was a great day of relaxing and enjoying time with the family. I got to chill with G and play games on my iPhone with him, just me and him while T was taking a nap and J was reading his books. I love these kids like they are my own nieces and nephews.
Most of all I am just blessed to have Judy as a friend. I seriously can't believe we have been friends for 15 years! Judy, you are a saint for putting up with me for so long. I know I haven't always been deserving of it, but you stuck with me and have always been there for me.
I also have to give a big shout out for Jason. You are so great to welcome me into your home and let me steal some time away with Judy for girl stuff. I appreciate it so much. Thank you for our football chats and letting me beat you in Settlers (it was pure skillz, bro!!)
I have put together a few collages from my trip. Hope you enjoy.
Judy and Callie
Mr. T.
G Man
J Dawg