I do agree with the statement that "change is inevitable", but is it always, or do we just subject ourselves to change as a way to force ourselves to grow. It is usually uncomfortable and terrifying and most definitely extremely difficult. For me it comes with many fears; the fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of rejection, etc. etc. etc. Change is about conquering those fears and realizing the true potential that lies within what I perceive sometimes as a troubled undeserving soul. The greatest change within myself is in realizing that I am deserving of great things and that I do have potential beyond what I have ever given myself allowance to believe in.
So the change I face today is one that I have wanted to make for years now, but because of those fears I have never sought out the opportunity for it. It will be a grand adventure. Moving to a place where I know very few people and me, always feeling like I am no one without my friends and family, will have to learn how to be "okay" with me, myself and I. So Arizona, here I come!! Away from the cold and pain that comes along with winter for me. Starting a new chapter. I really have nothing to lose. I have my job, my family and friend's support, my best friend only lives a couple hours away. I am ready...finally ready for the inevitable change that has been a long time coming.